
Class Exercise 4: Text-Image Relationships

In this class exercise, we got to practise some text-image relationships by inserting different texts into the same image and see how different texts can have different effects and meanings for the readers.

1. Redundant Relationship
This is usually the most straightforward relationship because the text and image speak about the same thing/idea.
For instance, the text I filled in is in line with what the picture is showing, that the lady is taking up her space! Perhaps I could have written "These two people are taking up my space!" instead, to show accurately what the picture is implying. That might be a clearer display of the redundant relationship between my text and the image.

2. Contrasting Relationship
The contrasting relationship usually conveys the opposites - the image says this but the text says something that is totally of a different meaning, which is usually contrasting with the image. I understand this as a "sarcastic" relationship whereby image and text speak different minds.
The text I filled in sort of expressed the frustration the girl is feeling in a sarcastic way. The word "enjoy" actually meant that the girl is not enjoying and we can understand this sarcasm by looking at the girl's expression. With the illustration of her disgusted expression and the text, we can easily understand the contrasting relationship between the text and the image. If without the image, readers will not be able to grasp the sarcastic tone in this example.

3. Complementary Relationship
For complementary text-image relationship, the text complements the image and vice versa. It is sort of like a further elaboration for the picture using text. For example, if a picture shows that a girl is smiling widely, the text can further elaborate her happiness by writing "I am so happy I feel like I'm flying into the skies!".
I decided to include this text because I thought that it further elaborates how uneasy the girl is feeling. She feels so uneasy that she starts feeling dizzy! Thus, this shows a complementary relationship between the text and the image.

4. Unrelated Relationship
Unrelated relationship refers to how the text and image disconnects with each other. In other words, the text is of no relevance to the image and from what I understood, the text in such relationship are often trying to show stream of consciousness of the character, or some famous quotes and sayings from someone famous but is not shown in any ways in the pictures.
I thought with a sudden inclusion of the famous phrase from Shakespeare kind of shows the irrelevancy between the text and the picture.
However, upon further considerations, the phrase could have a very very weak link with the picture because the girl is reading a book. If a reader thought that the girl was thinking about what she have read from the book, will that be considered an unrelated relationship as well? Well, in my opinion, perhaps I would still call it an unrelated relationship, except that it is a rather weak relationship since it is not explicit enough for readers to understand and link the text with the book immediately since the focus of this picture is on the two adults taking up the little girl's space.

Like the quiz done in class, people view and define the relationships differently. The relationship is determined by how viewers interpret the text and the image. They can be quite confusing at times and not everyone will agree with a standard and universal definition. What's more important is that viewers interpret the image and text well in order to define their relationships accordingly. As long as they make sense, I think it is fine and should be accepted! What do you think? :)

We also did another exercise during tutorial and I thought I want to share it here!

We were asked to draw a comic using the nursery rhyme - Jack and Jill! It was a really fun and new experience because it was my first time drawing a comic, pulling in theories we've learnt so far when I planned and drew the comic. I enjoyed alot!!

This is my plan before drawing the actual comic. Above shows how I plan my panels to be and below shows my characters.

And this is the final product! Colour of this looks abit weird because I scanned it in and apparently, my scanner is not very good. The bottom 2-3cm is cut off! Sorry about that! But yup, this is my final product of the Jack and Jill comic! :DDD

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